
Praise the praiseworthy

As a student of HR I got to know more about human emotions, about how they actually get motivated and why the performance appraisal is a key driver in their growth. Not focusing more on technical HR terms we should move to a more general aspect with which anyone can relate. Let's start with an artist , an artist when performs or showcase his/her art he expects feedback from someone, not getting a feedback feels like none has seen you performing. What if you always come up with something new and innovative ? What if you can improvise or you can rehearse in  a day ? What if you are always ready to perform? You think that these characteristics makes you the unique one but that is not actually true. If you come up with your own real shits, preparing in a day, ever ready to give your best than you are making your own value equals to zero. Your easy going personality, your non complaining behaviour and even your non demanding gestures that you think makes you humble are actually the trai...

Man-made dilemma

 MANMADE DILEMMA Let us start with a story ….there was a girl and her family gave her two options, whether to choose her career or she can get married if she want to and the girl is confused ,what to choose and what not? This was a normal story line, and everyone can relate to it. So we often face these types of questions or situations where we have to choose the either way and that situation is called “dilemma”.  Humans are confused creatures and their thinking capacity makes the situations more complex.  We have always been asked a question like this, “either to choose love or career”, the most common dilemma and if you have never faced a situation like this, then congratulations! You are god’s favorite.  But if one really wants to answer the question, one should know about both the terminologies. So let us talk about the first term that is LOVE. Love Love is a feeling or we can say, something intangible but we can feel it intensely .everyone is having a differen...


So, as every student I was also excited for fresher’s party. I want to really thank the person who came with the idea of fresher’s to add some joy in the student lives. I was taking the lecture when a mail in my mail box arrived , invitation of fresher’s party to be held on 15 September 2021 with a masquerade theme everyone was blushing after reading that .in the last paragraph of the mail there was   a contest for Mr. and miss fresher and   I decided to take the part in the very first round participants needed to submit a short video with a brief introduction and I somehow managed to get some time to prepare the video from my hectic schedule and I send it to the given link in the invitation. I was excitedly waiting for the result of that round but there was no notification till 14 th September and after losing the hope for next round I slept. In the morning when I woke up I put my fine on charging and suddenly a wasp notification ran through my mobile screen “you are added...